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Glorias Candy Cheesecake Pie with 12 Roses from La Divinata

$890.00 MXN

Glorias Candy Cheesecake Pie with 12 Roses from La Divinata

La Divinata and Enviaflores.com have collaborated to bring this delicious Glorias Candy Pie with an arrangement of 12 roses. Send this delicious pie to your friends, family, colleagues or that special person that you have and surprise her/him! You cannot pass this opportunity.

Gift Specifications

  • 1 Medium Glorias Candy Pie : New York style Cheesecake Pie, Northeast Mexico version. Covered with dulce de leche, walnuts and Glorias Candies. (8 people)
  • Sobre y tarjeta para mensaje

Arrangement Specifications

  • 12 red roses
  • Card
  • Foliage
  • Average arrangement height: 50 - 55 cms

Enviaflores Tip
Complement your gift with balloons depending on the occasion!

Enviaflores Promise
Our products are made with the highest quality ingredients.

{"error":{"ocurredError":"An error has occurred, try again.","restrictedDateError":"This product isn\u2019t available in this date","scheduleNotAvailable":"Your order date has expired, select a new one. ","notDate":"Please select the delivery date"},"label":{"changeDate":"Change date","relatedProducts":"Related products","cancel":"Cancel","accept":"Accept","removeCustomization":"Do you want to undo your customization?"}}