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{"error":{"getCities":"There was a mistake while loading the cities","cityNeeded":"You must select a city","shortcutSchedules":"There was a mistake loading the available schedules","changeShoppingcartSchedule":"There are no available delivery schedules for that day. To change city, you must empty your shopping cart"},"label":{"bestCities":"Most searched","alphabeticCities":"Alphabetic","today":"TODAY","tomorrow":"TOMORROW"},"info":{"changeShoppingcartSchedule":"Select schedule for %date%"}}

Canasta Gourmet con Vino

$690.00 MXN

Gourmet Basket with Wine

It is time to be united, thank and appreciate the good things that life gives us. Enjoy these delicious snacks in the company of the people you appreciate most, send this basket with salted snacks accompanied by a delicious red wine to share.

Gift specifications

  • 1 bottle of olives brand Tres Cumbres.
  • 1 Package of Serrano Ham Tres Cumbres
  • 1 Jar of Caramel Popcorn
  • Red Wine Reserved Concha y Toro 750 ml. Grape: Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • Wooden basket

Enviaflores.com tip:
Complement this basket with products from our selection of desserts.

Enviaflores.com promise:
Gift made by our experts especially for you

{"error":{"ocurredError":"An error has occurred, try again.","restrictedDateError":"This product isn\u2019t available in this date","scheduleNotAvailable":"Your order date has expired, select a new one. ","notDate":"Please select the delivery date"},"label":{"changeDate":"Change date","relatedProducts":"Related products","cancel":"Cancel","accept":"Accept","removeCustomization":"Do you want to undo your customization?"}}