{"message":{"orderPaymentUpdate":{"approved":"Your payment was approved. Click here to review it.","declined":"Your payment was declined. Click here to review it.","reviewOrder":"Check"}}}
{"error":{"getCities":"There was a mistake while loading the cities","cityNeeded":"You must select a city","shortcutSchedules":"There was a mistake loading the available schedules","changeShoppingcartSchedule":"There are no available delivery schedules for that day. To change city, you must empty your shopping cart"},"label":{"bestCities":"Most searched","alphabeticCities":"Alphabetic","today":"TODAY","tomorrow":"TOMORROW"},"info":{"changeShoppingcartSchedule":"Select schedule for %date%"}}
This ticket number will be sent to your registered mail: at which we will be contacting you as soon as possible.
{"report":{"required":"Description required","noOrders":"No orders to report","success":"Your report has been successfully sent","errorLogin":"Log in"},"error":{"limitAttachPhotos":"It is only possible to upload 3 images per comment"},"label":{"attachPhotos":"Upload a photo","counterAttachPhotos":"uploaded images","buttonLogin":"Click here to login"}}
Log in
You can easily sync your existing Enviaflores account to your Facebook account without losing previously saved addresses or earned rewards
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Please mark the I’m not a robot and press “Send email” to recover your password
{"error":{"facebook_link":"There was an error trying to link your Facebook account","facebook_password":"This user\u2019s password is not correct","wrong_user_or_password":"Verify the username\/password","login_error":"There was an unexpected error while trying to log in","signup_facebook_cancel":"The Facebook log in has been cancelled","iam_not_robot":"Please mark the I\u2019m not a robot to continue","email_facebook_not_permissions":"Please provide us your Facebook e-mail","facebook_id_already_exists":"This Facebook account is already registered, try with another one","phone_already_exists":"This phone is already registered, try with another one","email_already_exists":"This e-mail is already registered, try with another one","password_recovery":"There was an error trying to recover the password","missing_data":"Please verify your information","acept_terms":"You must accept the Privacy and Security Policies and the Terms of use","client_data_not_found":"Email not found, try with another one"},"message":{"password_recovery":"An email was sent to recover your password"},"warning":{"password_recovery":"Email required"}}
Customer Service
Have a questions about the service? Contact us via whatsapp. Weekdays from
8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and Weekend from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
{"typeahead":{"noresults":"No results found","searching":"Searching..."},"newsletter":{"success":"Successful Subscription","error":"Error trying to subscribe"},"report":{"required":"Description required","noOrders":"No orders to report","success":"Your report has been successfully sent"}}
We know how important it is for you to surprise your loved ones, no matter where they are. That is why Enviaflores.com and Teleflora unite, to cross borders!