{"message":{"orderPaymentUpdate":{"approved":"Your payment was approved. Click here to review it.","declined":"Your payment was declined. Click here to review it.","reviewOrder":"Check"}}}
{"error":{"getCities":"There was a mistake while loading the cities","cityNeeded":"You must select a city","shortcutSchedules":"There was a mistake loading the available schedules","changeShoppingcartSchedule":"There are no available delivery schedules for that day. To change city, you must empty your shopping cart"},"label":{"bestCities":"Most searched","alphabeticCities":"Alphabetic","today":"TODAY","tomorrow":"TOMORROW"},"info":{"changeShoppingcartSchedule":"Select schedule for %date%"}}

Planta tu intención ''Nuevos comienzos''

$320.00 MXN

$120.00 MXN

Planta tu intención ''Nuevos Comienzos''

Todo lo que sucede en el universo comienza con una intención. Es el poder que nos llena de todo aquello que anhelamos con el corazón y al plantar estas semillas vibras en la sintonía de recibir todo lo que ya te pertenece.

Especificaciones del regalo:

  • 4 tarjetas de instrucción color verde
  • 4 sobres color blanco: Abrir puertas, Libertad, Certeza, Cerrar Ciclos
  • 4 sobres con semillas : Esthercita, Inmortal, Crisalia, Girasol
  • Tarjeta y sobre para mensaje

Promesa enviaflores.com:
Te garantizamos que con los debidos cuidados y riego, esta planta podrá alegrarte tu espacio por mucho tiempo.

{"error":{"ocurredError":"An error has occurred, try again.","restrictedDateError":"This product isn\u2019t available in this date","scheduleNotAvailable":"Your order date has expired, select a new one. ","notDate":"Please select the delivery date"},"label":{"changeDate":"Change date","relatedProducts":"Related products","cancel":"Cancel","accept":"Accept","removeCustomization":"Do you want to undo your customization?"}}