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Good Energy Plant and Círculo de Hadas Candle

$825.00 MXN

$775.00 MXN

Flor de Venus Candle and Croton Plant

It leaves are from a thousand colors, this beacause the color changes, from green to purple or yellow, depends where you put it. The croton plant it related to creativity, comfort and good energy, so its a perfect gift to all the persons related whit the artistic method, along whith the perfect candle for the lovers of woody and fresh citrics aromas.

Gift specifications:


  • Croton plant
  • Ceramic vase whit feathers design
  • Card
  • Avarage hight: 30-35 cm


  • This aromatic candle remember a mistic spot, it going to take you to another dimension.
  • Delicious orange, moss and sandalwood.
  • Contains 225 ml.

Enviaflores.com promise
We assure you that whit the proper care and watering, this plant will brighten your space for a long time.

We invite you to know more details about your plant and the recommended cares in our blog:

{"error":{"ocurredError":"An error has occurred, try again.","restrictedDateError":"This product isn\u2019t available in this date","scheduleNotAvailable":"Your order date has expired, select a new one. ","notDate":"Please select the delivery date"},"label":{"changeDate":"Change date","relatedProducts":"Related products","cancel":"Cancel","accept":"Accept","removeCustomization":"Do you want to undo your customization?"}}